Email this page Print this page Associated Faculty:Liane FeldmanYedidah KorenAnneMarie LuijendijkMoulie Vidas Overview:Students in this field examine the development of Judaism and Christianity from the Hebrew Bible through late antiquity as well as their interaction in the broad cultural setting of Mediterranean antiquity. Knowledge of either Greek or Hebrew is required for admission; students must demonstrate knowledge of the other language and any other ancient languages appropriate to their interests by the time of completion of the General Examination. The components of the General Examination in this field vary depending on the student’s focus, but they always include units on Ancient Judaism and New Testament/Early Christianity.Students typically work extensively with faculty in other departments at Princeton such as Classics, History, and Near Eastern Studies. They are also encouraged to make use of resources at Princeton Theological Seminary.Students in Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity may also choose to participate in Princeton’s Program in the Ancient World. The Program, which draws on the resources of the Departments of Religion, History, Classics, and Art and Archeology, offers an annual interdisciplinary seminar, taught by two members of the faculty from different departments, and sponsors a variety of lectures by visitors, a brown bag lunch with speaker and discussion, colloquia, and museum visits. A brochure with information about the Program’s activities and requirements is available from Princeton’s Program in the Ancient World. In addition, the Program in Judaic Studies offers financial support to graduate students whose work is relevant to some aspect of Jewish Studies.→ General Examination information (pdf) Academic Fields Asian Religions Islam Philosophy and Religion Religion, Ethics, and Politics Religion in the Americas Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity Graduate Academic Fields Graduate Program Current Students Prospective Students Related links Department of Classics Department of History Department of Near Eastern Studies Princeton Theological Seminary Program in the Ancient World Department of Arts and Archaeology Program in Judaic Studies