Elizabeth Hane


Elizabeth “Lizzy” Hane is a first year PhD student in Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity. Her research broadly concerns conceptions of race and gender in ancient Christian communities of the Eastern Roman Empire. She works primarily at the intersection of material culture and literature, and she is interested in late antique papyrology, numismatics, and textiles. This work on materiality has led her to think deeply about curatorial practices in museum spaces concerning ancient religious objects. She has secondary interests in late antique epic (especially Nonnus of Panopolis’ Dionysiaca) and ancient magic. 

In 2024, she graduated from Yale Divinity School with her MARc (New Testament) and a certificate from Yale’s ARCHAIA program. Prior to this, she earned her BA (magna cum laude) in Classical Languages from Hamilton College. Additionally, she assisted with the Dumbarton Oaks’ special exhibition “Rich in Blessings: Women, Wealth, and the Late Antique Household” (2023) and curated the Yale University Art Gallery display case “Arab-Byzantine Coinage” (2024). She currently works for the Princeton University Numismatics Collection.