Onsi Kamel


Onsi is a PhD student in Philosophy and Religion. His primary research interests lie in metaphysics and epistemology, the history of philosophy, historical theology, and intellectual history. His prior research has encompassed themes including theological anthropology, Augustinian conceptions of the passions and the soul, early modern and Cartesian metaphysics and physics, Protestant theology and its relation to secularity, and Western missionary endeavors in Egypt.

In addition to these interests, he is currently researching medieval Christian Arabic philosophy and theology, examining how Arabic-speaking Christian theologians and intellectuals engaged with their Islamic and Jewish counterparts, and how this inheritance was transferred to the Latin West.

Onsi received an MA at the University of Chicago’s Program in the Social Sciences (2021), concentrating in history and an MA in Theological Studies from Princeton Theological Seminary (2019), where he was awarded the Seminary Fellowship. He earned his B.A. in religious studies from the University of Chicago. His first journal article, “The Beloved Icon: An Augustinian Solution to the Problem of Sex,” was published in The Scottish Journal of Theology, and his popular writing on various themes has been published in outlets including First ThingsAd FontesMere Orthodoxy, and elsewhere.