Studying Abroad

The Department of Religion welcomes study abroad for departmental majors in their junior year. Those juniors who have compelling reasons to study abroad in their fall semester have two options to satisfy REL 399.

  1. Take REL 399 in the fall of their sophomore year
  2. Take REL 399 in the fall of their senior year

Those students who plan to study abroad the fall of their junior year must meet with the departmental representative about their plans, including plans for their Junior Paper proposal. Juniors who study abroad in the spring term will write the required spring junior paper under the supervision of a religion department faculty member. Students are expected to have junior year independent work completed before the start of the senior year. Students must consult with the departmental representative before leaving for their study abroad program.

The website of the Office of International Programs is a good resource for finding approved programs, getting information on procedures for applying, and for department-specific advice about going abroad, including a list of programs through which majors have studied in recent years and contact information for peer advisors from the Religion Department.